Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

L-O-V-E the dress!!

A good family friend of ours has an amazing sewing talent, and she was sweet enough to make Ava not one, but two dresses...and of course they are both ADORABLE!! Ava wore one of her dresses to church on Sunday, and I wanted to take a picture to show Aimee (the seamstress) ...but Ava had other plans. She was definitely ready for a nap...but good greif...pose for a picture or two!

No, can't take my picture...I need my blankie.

I see London, I see France....

You should totally try this mom, it's way fun!

Showin a little leg

And of course, the picture with her smiling and the dress looking all DARK!

1 comment:

Cara Carroll said...

SO cute!! LOVE the one of her showin' some leg...already a little heartbreaker! Landon can't wait to celebrate his first heart day with his favorite Valentine :)