Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer, Summer, Summertime

(title to be sung to the Will Smith song!!)

A couple of weeks ago...when Aaron was out of town...Ava and I went down to my mom and dad's and spent a couple of days there. Being the awesome Grammy that she is, my mom bought Ava a sand and water table to keep at their house. Well, the child was in heaven!! She LOVED it! She played and played for 2 hours or more and threw a fit when it was time to go in for dinner. Needless to say, I bought one for our house...and that's probably the best $30 I will spend all summer...well, I bought a kiddie pool, too which comes in a close second! :) Ava is in every sense of the word a water baby! She loves bath time, washing her hands, and playing in any water she can find! She even tried to play in the toilet water once. (Don't worry, mom, I stopped her IMMEDIATELY!! And even though the water was "clean" and she didn't technically stick her hand in it, I put her straight in the tub!!) Anyway, she's been having a blast with her new water table, and of course I had to share some cute pics of Ava's water fun!

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