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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Home Again

We're back from our trip to Chicago. We had a good time...mostly. Between the monsoon-like rain and Ava's temper tantrums, I think we were ready to come home. But, its always sad to say goodbye to family...especially when you don't get to see them often enough. I still haven't unpacked {shocking, I know!} and I need to go through the hundred or so pictures from our trip. I promise a detailed post...with more pictures than you probably want to coming soon! ;)

1 comment:

Cara Carroll said...

If it makes you feel better, we've been home for like, 2 weeks now and my suitcase is still sitting on our bedroom floor...completely full :) Now that you're back, don't you think we oughtta plan a Cristina's dinner date?!?!?! I'm SO missing you, friend!!! Love ya! ~C Bo B