Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Saturday Playdate

Saturday after naptime, we went over to the Kanuth's house so that Ava and Elle could play together and burn off some of their crazy energy...and also so the grown ups could talk and hang out. The girls played for a little while, and then we went to dinner at Snuffers. Remember the last time we ate at Snuffers with the Kanuths? That was only a year ago, but my how much our girls have changed! Elle's even a big sister now! Anyway...I digress.

Here are our big girls coloring so nicely...and definitely not eating the crayons...

After dinner, we went back to casa de Kanuth, and Rob brought out 'Ride On Robot'...pretty much the coolest robot ever! Ava loved it! And since it has a remote control, its wicked awesome for parents, too!!

After the robot adventures, it was bathtime and "wind-down" time...did I say "wind-down" time? I meant Fairy Princess Dress Up time!! {By the way...Mr. Rob did both girls' hair! :)}

These girls are too stinkin cute!

Ava found some heels she just had to try on! Oh, my sweet shoe girl!

Homegirl Elle

Ava wanted to ride on the Rocking Horse...but she's quite tall, and got a little stuck

you didn't think the girls had all the fun, did you? :)

Finally, quiet movie time... Stinkerbell is a cute movie, btw

We had so much fun, Kanuths! Thanks for having us time its dance party at our casa!


Jessica said...

stinkin cute!!!

Jessica said...

Come over and see the award
I gave you!