He actually DOES pay attention...
Every now and then, I drop little hints to my husband about something I like...something that he could maybe get me for Mother's Day or my birthday. Now, when I say I drop little hints, I really mean I make him come over to the computer {where I usually am when I see 'said item'} to show him exactly what I want and say, "Aaron, look at this. I like this. If you ever want to get me something, you should get me this. I'm bookmarking it so that when you want to get this for me, you'll have no problem finding it." This is usually followed by Aaron saying "Awesome." and then going back into the garage to build things and watch football. And that's usually the end of it...which is most of the time fine with me because in my hubby's defense, we rarely exchange gifts with one another. Usually, we just take each other shopping, and that way we get what we want and we're both happy. It may be weird to some people, but it works for us and has for almost 10 years now. Anyway...man I know how to get off subject!
So, I was super surprised the other day when a little package arrived on our doorstep. Seeing that the package came from Drama Queen Bows and was addressed to Aaron Cardwell I was definitely intrigued {to say the least!} He was home at the time {good thing, too...b/c I surely wasn't going to wait until he got home!} and he gave me the go ahead to open it, and low and behold, it was the Mommy Bracelet that I had told him about almost a year ago!!! It has Ava's name and birthstone on it...and I love it! What a sweet and thoughtful hubby!
He ordered it before Christmas, but it didn't get here until this week...which made it an even bigger surprise. It also made me wish I had gotten him more than just sweats and a t-shirt for Christmas...Oops...I will definitely do way better next year. Thank you so much, honey! I LOVE it!! It's the bestest, most special gift you've ever gotten me...even better than the yellow Old Navy sweatshirt you got me our first Christmas together! ;) Love you!
Dude...MAJOR bonus points for Aaron. That bracelet is PRECIOUS. Seriously. I love it! I had tons of fun with you the other night! Can we please do that more often?!?!? Love ya!
What a good hubby! I "show" things to Joe the same way. I love it when they pay attention. ; )
What an awesome husband...and a super cute bracelet!!!
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