Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just us girls

Ava and I had lots of QT last week while Aaron was in Madison, WI for 5 whole days! We read tons of books, had a dance party at least once a day, watched her favorite movies {surprisingly, Shrek has been ousted by Madagascar...which is fine by me. I love that movie!} and mommy got in lots of snuggle time! We definitely missed Daddy, and we're so glad he's home, but we made the best of our girls time and loved every minute of it.


tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

What a sweet face! Sounds like you had a blast while Dad was gone ;-)

jannifergrier said...

I love my boys---but it looks like so much fun to have a little girl! So sweet.