Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 19, 2009

my little pony

I'm afraid my sweet little angel has been rockin the mullet for quite sometime. Poor thing sort of inherited her mommy's hair...the thin-ness part, anyway. It's short on the sides, and longer on top and in the back {and contrary to my grandma's belief, I do not cut it that way.} And as you know, no mullet would be complete without a little rat tail. I just can't bring myself to cut any of it off though...I love her until the sides grow in, she'll just have a little mullet, and that is just fine with me! She does have some curl to her hair (from daddy, of course) and the back is finally long enough to pull into a tiny little ponytail. So little miss Ava has been sporting a little pony or "pomy" as she calls it...and I love that too!

Ava's little "pomy"

love the curl

mom, did you seriously say i had a mullet?!

dude, i'm outta here


KatieHinckley said...

Yay for the pony! She looks adorable any way you have her hair!

Jessica said...

I love her little mullet! Corbin sorta has a mullet...maybe it is more of a rat tail since he doesn't really have hair on top of his head...