Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I love the Arboretum! I especially love when they have the pumpkin patch in October! Ava and I met my mom there one Sunday afternoon so that we could get some cute pictures. Unfortunately Ava is um, lets say… a little stubborn…when it comes to having her picture made these days. I swear I took at least 75 pictures, and I maybe got 3 or 4 good ones of her smiling. Toddlers! We had fun anyway…we played in the pumpkin patch {where we saw our friends Ashleigh, Will and Tyler!}, picked up pecans, toured the DeGolyer House & then ate lunch there. All in all, we had a good day…that is until it was time to leave. Wow, lets just say there was kicking, screaming, and people were staring. And I’m sure they were wondering why my kid was so well behaved and admiring my awesome parenting skills. Have I mentioned how much I just love this stage…


We actually got some smiles!! Yay!

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but mostly, this is the look I got that day:


Between my mom and I, we did manage to get some cute pictures…and even more importantly, we had fun! :) I heart the Arboretum.

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