Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011

Well, January was sort of a crazy month for Team Cardwell. On Hudson’s 3 week birthday, I went to the ER because I literally thought I was dying. Turns out it was my gallbladder, and the doctor said I needed to have surgery to remove it asap…not cool. I’m gonna go ahead and say that my recovery from my c-section wasn’t as painful as the gallbladder surgery. Even though the surgery is laparoscopic, I had 4 incisions that needed to heal. Ugh. Just what every mom with a 3 week old wants. Anyway, our month did get better and thanks to my gallbladder, we have met our out-of-pocket max for the year! Yay!

Here are some pictures from January:

Uncle Sean with his nephew




Mimi came to visit


Starting to get chubby cheeks


Aww, sweet family picture…and Hudson is screaming. That’s pretty much all he did when he was awake for the first 6-8 weeks or so.

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Tired Daddy


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