Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thank you

We are sooo incredibly grateful to the doctors who helped bring Hudson into this world. We love them so much and are so thankful for everything they have done for us. Anyone who knows us, knows what a hard time we had getting pregnant, and without Dr. Rodriguez and his amazing nurses, we wouldn’t have our precious miracle. They are without a doubt the best, most wonderful people, and I really miss seeing them every other day!! I took Hudson up there to meet everyone, and he got a little snuggle time with them.

Dr. Rodriguez and Huddy


Nurse Linda, Dr. Roddy and Hudson


Nurse Lorena…I think Huddy Hud has a crush =)


I can’t tell you how much I truly love them. They are so kind and so caring, and they really made this difficult journey so much better. We definitely had a rough road, but God brought these amazing people into our lives, and I am forever grateful!


And this is my WONDERFUL ob, Dr. MacDonald…I love him too!!! I definitely miss seeing him {and of course, Nurse Jackie} every week!


Nurse Jackie (who happens to be my IVF nurse, Linda’s daughter.)


Thank you, thank you, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

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