Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 16, 2008

ANGER...said in my best Aaron voice

Why are there so many door-to-door sales people?!?!?!? We get random sales people ringing our doorbell selling random crap at least once a week! Most of the time, its right in the middle of Ava's nap! It drives me INSANE!!! I really need to put a sign on my door that says "Unless you know me, or have Girl Scout Cookies....GO AWAY!" I just shhh-ed a couple of guys selling internet service. They rang once...I didn't answer and they went away. Not 10 minutes they come again. They rang the bell AND knocked!! I opened the door and said...."SHHHH, my baby is asleep... and I'm not interested!" Didn't they know my kid was sleeping?!?!?! Of course not, but good grief...take a hint...I don't want whatever it is you're selling....unless its cookies, of course!

Okay, I'm done ranting now. Back to your regularly scheduled programing. :)

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