Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

girly girls

Since Rob and Kate moved to Rockwall, we don't see them as often as we would we made plans to go see them on Sunday. Aaron was going to help Rob with some furniture and then we were all going to go swimming!! Yay!! Well, the boys took a little (a lot) longer than planned and when they finally got back, it was thundering, and lightening and pouring down rain!! Definitely not the best swimming conditions! So, the girls (Kate and myself included) played inside and the boys moved furniture and the storm passed...and then we went swimming!! Yay!! Of course the little munchkins LOVED it! Ava got some new floaties and she thought she was the coolest! And, after our swimming fun, we ate a yummy dinner and let the girls play until bedtime. What a fun day!!

these silly girls even have the same jammies :)

enough with the pictures already!

sweet, soon to be big sister, elle

a cuddly ava means one thing...a sleepy ava

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