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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here a Sweater, There a Sweater, Everywhere an UGLY Sweater

I'm a little behind, but last weekend, was our 6th annual Ugly Christmas Sweater party and it was so much fun! I borrowed a sweater from my mom for the occasion. {She actually really wears the thing! I love you, Mom! ;)} And, Aaron wore a nice little ditty from year's past... no shoulder pads this time, but he still looked oh so lovely. :) We got to see lots of friends that we only see once a year, which is always nice. We definitely missed the Hinckleys {where were you guys??}. And my friend Tiffany was supposed to come, but had a family Christmas party the same night, so she'll have to wait til next year to experience the awesome-ness of the Sweater Party!

Me and my Hubby...I think he's actually wearing the sweater I wore last year!
The Cardwell Men...Aaron, Jack and Jacob
Aaron and Andy
Rob, the human Christmas Tree ~ you can't see it in the picture, but he had lights that blinked and ornaments and everything! My vote for best sweater went to him! {that is, if I had a vote...which I didn't...but if I did, it would totally go to him! :)}
Nicole, Derek, Me, Christy, Jen and Jackie

Me, Dante and Kate

Colin and Me

Some of the girls

Kyle, Rob and Sam handing out the awards...oh yes, we definitely have awards!

Nick {who was deployed last week} won for best sweater!

And Ryan won for most festive...I love the nose! ;)


Jessica said...

That is hilarious!

KatieHinckley said...

You are so sweet to miss us! We missed being there too! It was the only day we could get everyone together for Christmas with Greg's mom, etc. Looks like you all had a great time though, even without us:)

Tiffany said...

I so wish I could of been there, I hated missing it. I will be there next year, for sure! Love ya!