Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 23, 2009

Welcome Baby Madison

Yesterday, Ava and I went to the hospital to visit my good friend Jenn and her new baby girl, Madison. Madison Blair Patricia was born on Wednesday, Jan 21, and weighed 7 lbs...and of course, she's absolutely beautiful! I'm so mad at myself for forgetting my camera at home...but Jenn sent a picture to my phone, so it will have to do until we see them again and I can get some pictures of that beautiful baby! Ava was really hoping to see big sister Makayla, but she was at home taking a nap. We'll definitely have to go visit soon so that Ava and Makayla can play together and I can get some snuggle time with that teeny tiny punkin pie! There's nothing like the smell of a newborn to give a girl the baby bug.... ;)

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I just saw my new layout. I love it! Thanks girl, you're awesome!